Why does it grow so fast everywhere else but on your head?

Ever wondered why the hair on your legs grows back so fast and wished that same speed of growth would transfer onto your head? GURRRRRLLL (or guy, we don't discriminate here), me too! Or how you see more growth when you take down your braids compared to when you have your hair out?

I've been off the white crack some people call relaxer for just over 2 years now. However, sometimes I look at my friends who went natural a young minute ago and the growth they achieved seems so much more than what I have. Why though??

I realised that I have my hair out wayyyy more often than they do. The answer to length retention is LOW MANIPULATION. I always have my hair in braid outs and twist outs, hence almost ZERO retention, because I'm always combing it and brushing my edges. Like the hair on your legs that you don't ever touch (unless you do, cause you're weird like me), the hair on your head would grow if you just left it alone. *Ooooh aaahhh*.

1. Protective styles- weaves, wigs, twists and box braids and even cornrowing (is that even a word though- well it is now) or flat-twisting your own hair. I do the latter often because course be chowing and nobody has time to sit in a salon for 8 hours to get it braided.
issa wig, Baypes!
 2. Leave the combs alone- idk what else to say about that. I myself know it's hard cause I just stay using my combs. But I'm challenging myself for the remainder of the year-only going to be using combs on wash day and then eventually not at all.
3. Finger detangle- DUHHH! If you're not using a comb or brush and you're NOT finger detangling then hai ke idk what you're using-a fork?? But who am I to judge, work that fork huntii.
4. Take pictures- your hair is always growing and if you don't take pictures you'll never see the progress. So every month, okay let's be realistic, every 2 months, take a picture of the front, sides and back. I promise you even you, you will see that your hair is growing, Baypes.
5. Dzo you, Boo- everyone's journey is different. Hair growth has to do with more than you just looking after your hair. Genetics, diets, stress, etc. Issa lot. SO just dzo you!

Try the above and see if there's a change. There should be...Okay if there isn't a change...then idk. I'm not a hair specialist person, are they called trichologists. Whatever.I am not..not they that tend to the hair.

Stay woke


  1. Babe I believe in the leaving your hair alone to let it be disrespectful because it really does make a change to your hair and your arms. I do it everyday and moisturise the hell out of it!!!

  2. Yaaaassss Dimpho, becoming a pro at the natural hair game i see :)


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